September 30, 2013
- Bean is 23cm
- Bean root is visible
- Pepper is 7cm
- Water is dirty
- No daphnia is visible
- Elodea sprouted limb has grown
- Elodea is rooting
- Lots of condensation
- One snail near bottom with rocks
- One snail is near top of water
- Some baby snails are still in Elodea, while one is on side of bottle
September 23, 2013
- Elodea grew another sprig
- No daphnia present
- A lot of dirt floating around
- Pepper sprouted 5cm
- Two snails were on the sides of bottle out of the water
- Lots of condensation
- Bean plants now 21cm
- Two baby snails on elodea
September 16, 2013
- Water is slightly cloudy
- One snail is on the rock bottom while the other on the wall of bottle
- Bean sprout is 14cm
- Peppers have not sprouted
- Lots of condensation
- There are three baby snails in the elodea
- Elodea is beginning to root
- Daphnia are swimming around
September 9, 2013
- Water is clear
- Seeds have not sprouted
- The two snails are sitting at the bottom
- Daphnia are swimming aroung the edges